You may believe the world you see around you is a simple place. What you see is what you get, and there's nothing more lurking beneath the surface...

However, if you've found yourself on this webpage, perhaps you're one of the many who believe there is more than meets the eye. A world of things strange and unknown just begging to be discovered. Perhaps you're just like us... Well, you've come to the right place!

Welcome to Lover's Leap Occult. This is the website of the paranormal investigation duo Rose County Paranormal, active in the area in and around Lover's Leap.

Over the last 4 years, our research has lead us to discover that our small town is home to more mysteries than we ever could have believed. Murders, cults, and cryptids abound in the quiet town of Lover's Leap...This website is dedicated to the archival of all of the paranormal stories that have gone untold from locals to the Rose County area, as well as the results and evidence from our many missions trying to track down ghosts and cryptids.

Lover's Leap Paranormal News

[09/13/04] --Did you know? There will be a ghost tour through the Merriweather Hotel on 10/25/2004! Tickets are on sale now for $6 a person.

Rose County Paranormal will so be there!!!


[09/10/04]--Rose County Paranormal will be conducting an investigation soon! Keep an eye on our blog for updates!

Click here for more...

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